A Legend from the Internet.

Gather round, children. Tonight, Uncle Carl has a story to tell you. Nay, not just a story, but a legend! Have you heard the epic tale of the one they call... LeetMan75?

It was a time of great darkness. Darkness so great it was known as.... the dark ages! Over four thousand years ago, when mankind was not predator... but prey. Prey to the fire-breathing dragons that flew above and decimated towns! Dragons that kidnapped daughters and princesses, razing villages in short evenings! Bold heroes stood up to face them, and were promptly eaten alive.
This was the way of the world for many centuries, until one day, when along came.... THE INTERNET. And so it was that after decades of hardship, Abraham Lincoln picked up sword and Wikipedia page in the name of this mighty nation, and led a crusade to wipe out the evil dragons forever...

BUT! No man can stand alone on such a crusade. Fortunately, he was backed, not only by his Twitter followers, but by THE FULL MIGHT OF HOLY FACEBOOK. At his command, the forces of the Internet reposed status message after status message, increasing dragon awareness across all the world! And by this supreme power, Lincoln brought his crusade to the very lair of the Dragon Queen herself!

As Abe Lincoln plunged his spear into her burning heart, ending the Dark Ages and setting free Humanity once and for all, a great hero beside him did raise his fists into the sky, and bellowed a mighty cry of "FIRST!", which would resonate across the Internet for all time! And that hero's name was... LeetMan75!

Never may you forget that name, children, for LeetMan75's cry of "FIRST!" was not only the first recorded "FIRST!" in history, but was in response to a major historical event. And it doesn't stop there- he went on to achieve a lifetime record of 82 verified "FIRST!"s (including a thread celebrating his 50th "FIRST!" and later an article about the invention of the lightbulb), with a top consecutive streak of 14, making him indisputably the greatest "FIRST!"er in history.

LeetMan75: History's first, and greatest, "FIRST!"er. Today marks another anniversary of his "FIRST!"ing career and so we honour him for his outstanding contributions to humanity.
We salute you, LeetMan75.

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