Bulbasaur RIP

FUCK. Fuck fuck McFucking fuck fucknuts. FUCK.

I lost Bulbasaur. On Route 3. To that little bastard with the Spearow who accused me of not wearing shorts.
I underestimated how much damage it could do with Peck. I... I could've saved him. If I'd switched him out... Or used another potion.... Dammit this wasn't even a battle I needed to fight.

Not sure I want to continue this run now I've lost my best. I was counting on Bulbasaur to carry me through damn near half the game.


I'll come back to this later. I'm in no mood to keep playing tonight.

Nuzloke Challenge Update

Brock is down.
This was relatively easy, Leech Seed put in a ton of work. Basically just Leech Seeded his Geodude, and had Bulbasaur keep growling at it. Geodude kept using Defense Curl and Bulbasaur kept growling so essentially Geodude could both deal and receive nearly no damage, except what Leech Seed was draining.
A little grindy maybe, but this worked.
Onix fell to a similar plan, except when he started charging Bide, I decided to switch to Vermin. I don't remember just how much damage that attack does but given it takes two turns to charge... I'm not throwing anything I actually want to keep in the way of it. But it missed anyway. Twice.
Got through that battle with barely a scratch on my team.
Oh and Tyrion's a Butterfree now. I forgot that in Red, unlike in Yellow, he does not immediately learn Confusion upon evolving. Ah well...

So far so good. Haven't lost anyone yet. Hope I didn't jinx it.

Pokémon Red: Nuzloke Challenge

Well, I've been thinking for a while that I should get back to posting on here, especially given that I've somehow had a spike in page views, that Blogger won't tell me where from.
I can only assume this has something to do with my comments on the blog of a certain slightly-more-famous-than-me-or-anyone-I-know girlfriend, and a small, slightly-creepy subset of her followers wondering who I am.
Assuming that to be the case, well, hello and welcome to you. I'm Carl, this is my blog, and I rant here whenever I feel like I want to talk about something to nobody in particular. A mood which usually takes me during long walks to or from work, and fades away by the time I'm actually in a position to write about it in detail.

Just now I decided I'd like somewhere to record my progress through my Nuzloke Challenge on Pokémon Red. But without spamming it repeatedly to everyone I know on Facebook or anyone who doesn't really give a damn. Then I remembered I have a blog! YEAH!

So for those who don't know (which is a lot of people), the Nuzloke Challenge is basically a way of playing through a Pokémon game, with a couple of extra self-imposed restrictions (and I'm assuming you know roughly how Pokémon games work, if you don't then go play one, I don't know how you managed to avoid knowing this).

The rules are, simply:
1. If a Pokémon faints, you release it into the wild.
2. The only Pokémon you are allowed to catch is the first wild one you see in each area. If it faints or flees, no catch for you!